Instant Relief To All Your Time Keeping Headaches
TimeTrackerTM is an easy-to-use and accurate online resource management time card entry system that will eliminate all of your time keeping headaches once-and-for-all. Employees can enter their time from anyhwere, at anytime from any web browser. Employee time cards are reviewed and submitted by email to their supervisor for final authorization. Once approved, time entry payroll information is automatically delivered to your accountant or payroll service provider for quick and reliable processing.
Learn more about how TimeTracker can instantly stop time entry and keeping headaches. |
Project Management on High Speed Cruise Control
ProjectTrackerTM is the latest in advanced online project management technology, enabling you to implement strategy and deploy tactics to ensure on time and on budget delivery. Whether you're tracking internal projects and cost, or need to bill clients for your time and resources, ProjectTracker is your answer. Online capabilities give you visability to your projects 24/7.
We give you the ability to quickly and easily set up, track, and control each and every project - no matter what the size or impact to your business.
- TimeTracker audits the status of your projects and its associated tasks
- Provides real-time feedback and a central location for information exchange
- Real-Time Issue tracking
- Project team collaboration via email alerts and forums
- Easily assign and track budget to actual
- Instant visability to individual, team and overall hours billed or completed
ProjectTrack is completely integrated to TimeTracker, so we've got you covered from beginning to end.
Learn more about how ProjectTracker can help you reduce costs, deliver quicker, finish faster, and make your business more profitable. |